As regards, the first image (taken from Trayambekshwar) , I ran through the Articles 25 to 28 of the Constitution of India. If we read Art. 25(1) with Art. 26(2)(b), we would find that any religious institution has the right to restrict the other religion people from entering the premesis of the Hindu Temple. As per Honorable SC in the case of Venkataramanna Devaru v. State of Mysore (AIR 1958 SC 255) IT WAS HELD THAT:- "...Hence, a right of religious denominition under Art. 26 (2)(b) e.g., to ex-communicate a member on religious grounds, cannot be taken away or restricted. On the ground that it would affect civil rights of such members, including the rights of benefecial care or enjoyment of denominational propertirs.
As regards, second image, it was clarified by the Honorable SC in the case of Sarup Singh v. State of Punjab (1959 sc 860) tha
t:- Each religious denominition or organisation enjoys complete autonomy in the matter of deciding as to what tites and ceremonies are essential according to the tenats of the religion they hold. So if in a case a woman is not allowed to enter the platform of the Lord Shani temple, it may not be arbitrary or violative of Art. 14 or may not hinder any of the rights of a woman under Art. 25 of the Constitution, if in a case the rites of the pooja, for Lord Shani prescribes that the woman are not allowd to enter the platform for pleasing and worshipping the diety.

As regards the third images is concerned, it is taken from a place ner Shiridi, where it is prevelant that a Buffalo, Ox etc., would churn and walk around the sugar cane mill (grinding mill), a person would keep inserting the sugar cane from one side and ollect the sugar cane juice in the pot.
Do you think it is 'ruelty'to the animal as per the Prevention of cruelty against the Animal Act 1963?